Countdown Until CAASFEP 2024:

NaN days, NaN hours, NaN minutes, NaN seconds


10/23/24 - 9:00am-12:00pmPre-Conference Session (extra fee)

New Directors 101 - An overview that is designed for those of you who are new to State & Federal Programs (0-3 years). Continental Breakfast and slides included.

10/23/24 - 9:00am-12:00pmPre-Conference Session (extra fee)

Building Effective Teams (and your credibility) - Dr. Doug Fisher and Dr. Nancy Frey - Continental Breakfast and Playbook included.

10/23/24 - 1:30pm-6:30pmDay 1 - Conference

Welcome/Opening Keynotes (Hodge and Kubinec)/Snack Break/President's Reception

10/24/24 - 7:30am-5:30pmDay 2 - Conference

Continental Breakfast/Welcome/Keynote (Kesslar)/Snack Break/Breakout Sessions/Lunch & Annual Business Meeting/Breakout Sessions/Snack Break/Breakout Sessions

10/25/24 - 8:15am-12:15pmDay 3 - Conference

Student Panel & Plated Breakfast/Keynote (Fisher & Frey)/Break/Keynote (Ellerson Ng)/Closing & Prizes


Dr. John Hodge President - Urban Learning & Leadership Center, Inc.

Jannelle Kubinec CEO - WestEd

Tiffany Kesslar, Esquire Partner - The Bruman Group

Dr. Doug Fisher Chair - Educational Leadership - San Diego State University

Dr. Nancy Frey Professor - Educational Leadership - San Diego State University

Noelle Ellerson Ng Associate Executive Director - AASA - The School Superintendent's Association

Registration Information

  • Regular Registration. Conference fees include a one-year membership to CAASFEP.

  • Please send an email to [email protected] - Subject Line: CAASFEP Dietary

Pre-Conference Sessions

  • Option #1 - New Directors 101 [4 remaining]

    New Directors 101 - An overview that is designed for those of you who are new to State & Federal Programs. Continental Breakfast and slides included.

    Price $250.00

  • Option #2 - Building Effective Teams (and your credibility) [20 remaining]

    Join Dr. Doug Fisher and Dr. Nancy Frey for this pre-conference session to help you in your leadership roles. Continental Breakfast and your own copy of "How Teams Work" Playbook included.

    Price $250.00


Billing Information

All Purchase Orders MUST be emailed to [email protected]. Invoices will follow receipt of Purchase Order.
RegFox Event Registration Software